Selected links
Sinleqiunnini started as a project of Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale".
The project was later joined by Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and is currently hosted
by its server. Funding has been provided by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR).
The software has been designed by Francesco Di Filippo, who is in charge of its maintenance in the framework
of the research activities promoted by CNR-ISMA (Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico).

The web pages of this project have been designed to be compatible with Mozilla Firefox, an Open Source web browser available for the most important Operative Systems (Windows, Macintosh and Linux). Different browsers, such as Safari, Chrome, and Opera are also supported. Some compatibility issues might occur with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Online Databases
Ebla Digital Archives
Middle Euphrates Digital Archive
LiBER | Linear B Electronic Resources
The database is intended to include all texts so far published belonging to the 3rd millennium royal archives of Ebla/Tell Mardikh. Texts are reproduced in the same sequence as in the individual volumes of the series Archivi Reali di Ebla – Testi published by the “Italian Archaeological Mission to Syria” of the Sapienza University of Rome. The seven ARET volumes currently included in the database will be gradually followed by other volumes published in the past years and by text editions that have appeared in other series (such as MEE), in monographs or in journals.
The database includes all Emar texts so far published and collections from: tell Munbaqa, tell Hadidi, tell Faqous, tell el-Qitar, tell Bazi and Umm el-Marra.
LiBER is a CNR-ISMA project which aims at producing an integrated database of Linear B documents, with the ultimate goal of providing scholars, and all those who are interested in the Mycenaean world, with an updated edition of the Linear B documents, along with a new set of search tools. Individual texts are supplied with transcriptions, critical apparatus, photographs as well as, whenever possible, with all the relevant information about findspots, scribes, chronologies, inventory numbers and places of preservation. The database can be searched by series of documents, syllabic sequences, logograms, scribes and findspots, while search results can be displayed both as lists of texts and interactive maps.

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